I have a site that list different courses that take place in real life (not virtual courses). For each course, there are different fields :
- title of the course
- start date
- end date
- place where the course will happen
- type of course
- ...
With View I have created a table that list all the courses. I would like that logged users can subscribe to a course by just clicking on it, and then I would receive an e-mail (or see in the back-end) that tells me that user X has subscribe to course Y (and I will have in the same time all the informations about the course the user subscribed to : title, dates, place...)
For the moment when a logged user click on a course, another page loads that displays informations about the course, and a form where the user have to write out again all the informations in blank fields...
Is there a way to pre-fill the form fields with the informations of the course ?
Or is there a smarter way to do this ?