This is really a weird issue. I get this on my ubercart page without any possibility for redirection:

enter image description here

One hint I'm eager to try is a drupal_goto function.

But how do I add this to which file to which line specifically?


1 Answer 1


For this, you can override uc_empty_cart() function with theme_uc_empty_cart(); which returns your custom message on empty cart page.

You can get continuous shopping cart URL from Store > cart setting using variable_get('uc_continue_shopping_url', '').


  // Default function from uc_cart.module
  function theme_uc_empty_cart() {
    return '<p>'. t('There are no products in your shopping cart.') . '</p><a href="'.variable_get('uc_continue_shopping_url', '').'" rel="continuous-shopping">continuous shopping</a>';

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