I have Content A (Music Albums) with entity reference fields referencing Content B (Musician).

I want to display a view on Content B (Musician) page that displays every Album (Content A) they are 'tagged' on. Basically using entity reference fields in place of taxonomy (per StackExchange suggestion).

Content A (Album) has a View displaying various info such as album image, album name, record label etc... and an Entity Reference field referencing Content B (Musician). When clicked it takes me to the node page of that Musician.

On the Musician's (Content B) page I want to have a View displaying all Albums (Content A) they appear on (tagged via entity reference field).

Finally, Getting the entity reference fields attached to a Paragraph Bundle to relate to Content B (Musician)

1 Answer 1


Simply under Advanced (far right), for Contextual Filter add your entity reference field. In my test, I called it "Made by" field_made_by.

Note: The view preview will be blank as the view edit page does not have an ID. Just place to your Musician page and it will show up then.

enter image description here

However, when using paragraphs module to add node bundles is more complex because technically a paragraph bundle is it's own entity, so Content A references a Paragraph Bundle with an entity reference field within its bundle (LOL). It gets pretty complicating. Any help with that?

Then make a view of Paragraph and not of Content.

enter image description here

Then add relationship of Paragraph referenced from field_paragraph (paragraph field)

Then in contextual filter add field_made_by (entity reference field).

  • Thanks that seemed to do the trick for entity reference fields on the content page. However, when using paragraphs module to add node bundles is more complex because technically a paragraph bundle is it's own entity, so Content A references a Paragraph Bundle with an entity reference field within its bundle (LOL). It gets pretty complicating. Any help with that?
    – Anon Ymous
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 5:46
  • @TimJones such crucial info should never be left out when asking a question. Please edit your question.
    – No Sssweat
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 5:54
  • Ya thanks. I couldn't figure out how to tie that module into the main question. However, using your above help, I figured it out. by adding a relationship to the paragraph bundle, then a contextual filter to the bundle field i need.
    – Anon Ymous
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 6:11

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