I have a little probleme with my cache block.
This is my build function :
return [
'#markup' => time(),
'#cache' => [
'max-age' => 10
I found this specification for block cache.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getCacheMaxAge() {
return 20;
Because in parent class we have $max_age = Cache::PERMANENT;
So, when I'm connected my rendered cache refresh each 10 seconds. But when I'm a anonymous user my rendered block never change.
I don't find the solution.
Big pipe isn't install, I have aggregations css and js but I don't have max age in admin/config/development/performance.
Finnaly I want a block without cache because this block will rendered message with close button. When the user click on the close button, I set a cookie for return an empty bluid in my block.
Do you have an idea ?
Thank you
{{ content }}
variable in full? If not, cache tags may not be bubbling up.