In Drupal 8:

I have custom module code that declares its own theme can twig template. How do I make module variables available to my Drupal theme's page.html.twig?

I have tried various preprocess_page* functions; however, those functions don't see the variables the module is passing to it's own themed twig templates.

Can the module's controller inject something into the page variables?

Can a Drupal theme's preprocess functions access some variables flowing from a custom module to the module's twig templates?

The controller file:

class PromtController extends ControllerBase
    public function program($id)
        $program = PromtService::program((int)$id);

        return [
            '#theme'   => 'promt_program',
            '#program' => $program,
            '#title'   => $program['title']

The module code:

function promt_theme()
    return [
        'promt_program' => [
            'template' => 'promt_program',
            'variables' => [
                'program' => null
  • Normally, the hook_preprocess_page() implementation would appear in your .module file, the same file where you implemented hook_theme().
    – rjl
    Commented May 11, 2017 at 20:19
  • The hook_preprocess_page() function; however, does not seem to have access to the programs variable being passed from the controller to the theme. I need to inspect the programs variable I'm passing in, in order to pull out phone numbers, etc to add as contact information in page.html.twig. Either hook_preprocess_page() needs to be able to find that variable some where in &$vars[] or the controller needs to pass it in, in a special way, such that it becomes part of the page array. Commented May 12, 2017 at 13:47

1 Answer 1


As far as I can tell, this should be handled in the custom theme, not in the custom module. This is because the module really has no idea how a custom theme wants to render stuff.

In any case, in the custom theme, the only way I can figure out how to make the data available is to register a hook_preprocess() function in the theme, check the hook that's called, and declare a static variable that sticks around until it can be injected later on.

The custom module's "promt_program" hook will be called earlier than the theme's "page" hook. I'm pretty sure that will always be true. So, we grab the location_id and then inject it later on.

This preprocess function will get called many, many times, so it seems important to make it thin.

function cob_preprocess(&$vars, $hook)
    static $location_id = null;

    switch ($hook) {
        case 'promt_program':
            if (!empty($vars['program']['location_id'])) { $location_id = $vars['program']['location_id']; }

        case 'page':
            if ($location_id) {
                $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
                    ->condition('status', 1)
                    ->condition('type', 'location')
                    ->condition('field_promt_id', $location_id);
                $nids  = $query->execute();
                if ($nids) {
                    $vars['node'] = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load(current($nids));

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