Is there a way to prevent other preprocess hooks from being triggered?

I have a Drupal 8 hook_preprocess_HOOK() implementation, and I'm doing some alterations. There will be other modules with same hook, and I need the other preprocess hooks not to alter my changes to $variables.

The only options I have are:

  • Rely on weights system, which still could cause problems
  • Set a value inside $variables and prevent other modules from doing their thing if the variable is set

3 Answers 3


You can disable hooks via hook_module_implements_alter().

function MYMODULE_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
  if ($hook == 'preprocess_page') {
  • It doesn't work with preprocess functions implemented by themes, though.
    – avpaderno
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 11:19
  • 1
    The OP asks for modules, so the response is accurate.
    – jonhattan
    Commented Jun 1, 2017 at 6:51
  • 1
    For themes, if the hook suggestions system is not enough, perhaps hook_theme_registry_alter() can do the job, by overriding the preprocess functions.
    – jonhattan
    Commented Jun 1, 2017 at 6:52
  • I am wondering why is is immposible to get debuger to stop and enter into MYMODULE_module_implements_alter function to inspect values?
    – Blissful
    Commented Jun 6, 2019 at 14:35
  • @MarkoBlazekovic it is because that function is called during cache clear and not page load. Try setting a breakpoint and clearing caches through UI. Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 3:51

Here's an implementation for Drupal 9 that makes MYMODULE_preprocess_image_style() run first:

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
 * Makes MYMODULE_preprocess_image_style() run first.
function MYMODULE_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  $themeKey = 'image_style';
  if (isset($theme_registry[$themeKey]['preprocess functions'])) {
    $fname = "MYMODULE_preprocess_$themeKey";
    $pf = &$theme_registry[$themeKey]['preprocess functions'];
    $index = array_search($fname, $pf);
    if ($index) {
      array_unshift($pf, $fname);

Preprocess hooks (and specifically hook_preprocess_page) are not subject to hook_module_implements_alter, even if they are implemented by modules. However, they can be adjusted by using hook_theme_registry_alter as suggested by @jonhattan above. Look in the $theme_registrary['page']['preprocess functions'] for the indexed array of implementations.

Note: Tested with Drupal 9.3.8.

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