I need to link/sync a paragraph with another field on the parent node of this paragraph.
All my nodes have some node-type-specific fields for strict-structured data (e.g. a product node has product image & price; a location node has a geolocation field). All nodes share one huge, repeating paragraph "generic content" field with a lot of paragraph types for unstructered data (marketing texts, emotional images, bullet points,...). Basically that paragraph is used as a sort of site building tool.
I now need to display the node's structured data fields within the "generic content" paragraph field, so that editors can mix and move the structered content with the generic content paragraphs.
Didn't work:
My initial idea was to create a paragraph with an entity reference to field types where editors could select the basefield. However, that didn't really work because I can't limit the autocomplete to fields of the current node, leading to a unusable list with a lot of invalid entries.
Is there any way to create references to fields within a node? It has to be a mouse- and editor-friendly solution, my editors are trained in the Drupal Admin, but they have no access to code.