I have a little issue regarding my custom block module. The module itself fetches weather data via json-request and the data is shown as a 4-day weather forecast to the user. As the weather should be actualized every day I want to set a "maximum cache time" or even disable caching for the whole block. Right now I would have to flush the cash manually every day.

After a little bit of research to that topic I found out that using 'max-age' in the build() function would do the trick but it does not affect the caching for anonymous users at all.

Using \Drupal::service('page_cache_kill_switch')->trigger(); would disable the cache for a specific page or content-type but I don't want to disable the caching for a whole page at once.

So how can I trigger the caching for my custom-block? Or is there even a way to disable the caching for a certain part of the code e.g. the json-request in my case?

  • 1
    You can use lazy builder or fetch data in js.
    – user21641
    Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 15:00

2 Answers 2


This is a known issue Bubbling of elements' max-age to the page's headers and the page cache.

The Internal Page Cache is designed for database content, which is handled by cache tags. So a workaround would be to add a custom cache tag to the block

$build['#cache']['tags'][] = 'weather_forecast';

which will bubble up to the page level and so you can invalidate both cached items, block and page, in a cron job:

 * Implements hook_cron().
function mymodule_cron() {

All credit goes to @Berdir: Cache max-age and varnish ESI

  • Thank you. That did the job for me! In my case i had to declare the custom cache tag with '#cache' => [ 'tags' => ['weather_forecast'], ], to get it to work.
    – tinytree
    Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 21:26

Limitations of max-age

Unfortunately, max-age does not work for anonymous users and the Drupal core Page Cache module. For example, see these issues:

Until these (and perhaps other) issues are resolved, beware that setting max-age on a render array included in a page is insufficient to ensure that anonymous users will see a new version after the max-age as elapsed. In the meanwhile, the Cache Control Override contributed module tries to mitigate the problems. You might also have more luck setting a custom cache tag on pages with time-dependent content and invalidating those cache tags manually via hook_cron(). Good luck!

Source: https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/cache-api/cache-max-age#s-limitations-of-max-age

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