I am using Drupal 7.8, built a custom cck type, populated it with content, and created a view with full pager of 10 items per page.
I'm modifying the views theme Row Style Output - views-view-fields.tpl.php to do something, but every-time I try to collect the entire views result set, I only get the first 10.
ie. foreach($view->result as $id => $data) { // track $data->field }
How do I bypass the pagination limits so that in my views template I have access to all the results (which is over 20+)?
Here is an example layout of my cck type -
CCK TYPE: Videos; CCK FIELDs: title, body, url, date_recorded
date_recorded is a custom date format which only has Month, Year.
The view filters and groups these fields by date_recorded, and uses full pager for 10 items like so :
Feb 2012
- Video 1
- Video 2
Dec 2011
- Video 3
- VIdeo 4
PS - This is the 2nd part of a question that began here - Alternative ways to group results of a view by CCK field?