I am creating an API endpoint that serves as a content Feed that pulls in content according to some rules.

One group of content that I want to pull is articles that have been updated and that have been approved to be included in the feed. My approach for this was to include a boolean field for including it in the feed, and query for the number of revisions.

$firstGroup = $query->andConditionGroup()
    ->condition('type', ['article', 'video_game'], 'IN')
    ->condition('status', NodeInterface::PUBLISHED)
    ->condition('field_include_in_feed', 1)
    ->condition('revision_uid', '1', '>=');

$nids = $query->condition($firstGroup)->condition($secondGroup)->execute();

Based on this page from the documentation, I thought revision_uid would be a valid field, but I get an error that it is not. Likewise I get an error, if I use revision as well.

The error is a Drupal QueryException with the message 'revision_uid' not found.

What is the best way to query for content (with entityQuery) that has been updated if I can't use the revision fields?

2 Answers 2


Content that has not been updated would only have one revision, so you could count the number of revisions and use a having condition.

First you'll have to join the node_revision table to the node table

$query->leftJoin('node_revision', 'r', 'n.nid = r.nid');

Count the number of revisions

$query->addExpression('COUNT(n.nid)', 'revision_count');

Filter rows with a revision_count higher than 1

$query->havingCondition('revision_count', 1, '<=');
  • This looks like a great way to do it, but is it possible with EntityQuery? The leftJoin() function seems to only be available on the Select class from Drupal\Core\Database\Query. Commented Nov 23, 2017 at 15:19

Every entity stores a timestamp for when the node was created, as well as another for when the node was last updated. So, ideally, you could add a condition to your EntityQuery checking to see if the created value matches the updated value.

Unfortunately, the standard condition() syntax can't handle this. Drupal 7 gave us the where() syntax to execute arbitrary SQL that the Entity Query system couldn't handle, but this is not available in Drupal 8. Therefore, you have a couple of options as I see it:

  1. Use a subquery to pull the created value, then use that returned value as the comparison value against updated in the main query.
  2. Abandon (unfortunately) EntityQuery and use a dynamic or static query instead.

EntityQuery has some restrictions that are hard to get around, and field-to-field comparison is definitely one of them. Unfortunately, I don't know any other way to know definitively that an entity has been modified without revision info.

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