I have 2 entity types Content type A and B. Content type B has a date field and an entity reference to A.
I need a view that shows all the nodes of content type A But also shows all the referenced content, until this point I have no problem.
The only problem is that the content type B needs a filter to only show the content from this year. But when I add a filter to the date field all the nodes that don't have an entity reference also get filtered out.
Content type A are assets
- Title
- Address
- lat/long
Content type B is the maintenance of these assets
- Title
- Entity reference to A
- date field
Now I want to show all the assets in a view.( also the ones that don't have maintenance done) In the same view there should be a column with all the maintenance within a certain timespan.
When I have this view i can put these on a google map and show which assets need maintenance and which are already done