I am doing a D7 > D8 migration (where the D7 site in question itself was migrated from D6 some years back) and most stuff just works fine. But I am stuck on the field (instance) settings for taxonomy reference fields.
When migrating the field instances, I am using a slightly changed version from the one provided by core (that's how I did it with most other stuff, too):
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
id: my_fields
class: Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\FieldMigration
field_plugin_method: processField
cck_plugin_method: null
- 'Drupal 7'
- Configuration
migration_group: my
label: 'Field configuration'
plugin: d7_field
status: true
langcode: und
entity_type: entity_type
status: constants/status
langcode: constants/langcode
plugin: static_map
source: field_name
taxonomy_vocabulary_1: field_issues
taxonomy_vocabulary_2: field_tags
bypass: TRUE
plugin: process_field
source: type
method: getFieldType
cardinality: cardinality
plugin: d7_field_settings
plugin: 'entity:field_storage_config'
migration_dependencies: null
When I run this via drush mim my_fields
all field instances on all content types are created (wonderful!), the only thing missing is the restriction in taxonomy term reference fields regarding a specific vocabulary.
When I create such a field manually and export the configuration, there is a section in the yaml file describing that restriction:
handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
issues: issues
field: name
direction: asc
auto_create: false
auto_create_bundle: ''
I guess this needs to be in the process section of the migration configuration, but how do I set it correctly? If I read that right, the vocabulary name (issues) is both field name and value, which would probably pose a problem for multiple vocabularies. Also, how would I set this for taxonomy reference fields only?
Added note: In Drupal 7, the restriction was set within the field global settings (allowed_values[vocabulary]
, could be found in the DB table field_config) and not with the field instance.
In Drupal 8, it seems to be a field_instance setting as the same field can be restricted to different vocabularies in different content types. May that be the reason, why this setting is not migrated?
By the way: I did try a simple migration first by using the Migrate Drupal module and while it got most configuration right by just using defaults, here also the restrictions on taxonomy reference fields was missing.