The module content moderation has been activated and a custom workflow added to a content type. On editing content, when selecting a content moderation state then clicking on save, I would like to programmatically save that value in a variable.
in that code doesn't display the latest values for moderation state chosen on update.
I wonder if what I get is the default revision value (as configured for a state, Révision par défaut Quand le contenu atteint cet état il devrait devenir la révision par défaut; ceci est implicite pour les états publiés.) but it is definitely not the latest revision value.
function my_hook_entity_update(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
if ($entity->getEntityTypeId() !== 'node') {
$content_id = $entity->id();
$content = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($content_id);
How do I get the latest value of content moderation on node update?
not have a value?"