I have tried many things to set the message field as not required.
1-The more obvious in form_alter
2-Set a white space as a value (if field is empty) in form_validate
$msg= $form_state->getValue('message');
'value' => ' '
3-Set not required in after build
function alter_contact_ds(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id)
$form['#after_build'][] = '_remove_msg_required';
function _remove_msg_required($element){
return $element;
4- In form_alter, I have used the #state to set the required property
$form['message']['#states'] = ['required' => ['select[id="edit-object"]' => [
'value' => 'info'
//Note that ['select[id="edit-object"]' => ['value' => 'info']]]
//is used succesfully on another field (but not the requied part)
The best I could get is not having the regular behavior explaining that the field must be completed (and no red asterix near the field to mark it as required)
But each time I press on the submit button, I get a drupal_set_message("This value could not be null",error)
[freely translated from french]
Following the idea of Alireza Tabatabaeian, I could solve this problem by
1-Set the field as not required in form alter
$form['message']['widget'][0]['value']['#required'] = false;
2-Set my validation function de first one in form_alter
$form['#validate'] = ['my_validate_contact','::validateForm'];
3-In my validate function set the value of the field equal to a space if the field is empty (it is not really nice, but I could accept it)
$msg = $form_state->getValue('message');
if (! isset($msg['value'])) {
$form_state->setValue('message', [
'value' => ' '