You need to be familiar with Drupal concepts like Nodes and Entities because they are used to model a Quiz.
The logic to keep the pieces synchronized is implemented via Hooks, like _hook_insert_ and _hook_update_, located on the quiz.module file.
Quiz 2.0 Architecture Information
A Quiz is a Drupal node, and thus the node table contains a row for
each Quiz. Similarly, a Question is also a Drupal node, so it too has
an entry in the node table. Additional properties for Quizzes can be
found in the rows of the quiz_node_properties table. Similarly, all
question-types have a table called quiz_node_question_properties to
store additional data. Each question-type also makes it's own set of
tables to hold answers and user feedback. That means the
multichoice.module question-type gets a quiz_multichoice_answers and a
* Implements hook_insert().
function quiz_insert($node) {
// Need to set max_score if this is a cloned node.
$max_score = 0;
// Copy all the questions belonging to the quiz if this is a new translation.
if ($node->is_new && isset($node->translation_source)) {
// Add references to all the questions belonging to the quiz if this is a
// cloned quiz (node_clone compatibility).
if ($node->is_new && isset($node->clone_from_original_nid)) {
$old_quiz = node_load($node->clone_from_original_nid);
$max_score = $old_quiz->max_score;
$questions = quiz_get_questions($old_quiz->nid, $old_quiz->vid);
quiz_set_questions($node, $questions);
// If the quiz is saved as not randomized we have to make sure that questions
// belonging to the quiz are saved as not random.
* Implements hook_update().
function quiz_update($node) {
// Quiz node vid (revision) was updated.
if (isset($node->revision) && $node->revision) {
// Create new quiz-question relation entries in the quiz_node_relationship
// table.
quiz_update_quiz_question_relationship($node->old_vid, $node->vid, $node->nid);
drupal_set_message(t('Some of the updated settings may not apply to quiz being taken already. To see all changes in action you need to start again.'), 'warning');
// Update an existing row in the quiz_node_properties table.