My goal is to override the function isApprovalRequired() in a Trait for the module Social Auth (social_auth). The file:


has a function (along with variables and other functions):

namespace Drupal\social_auth;

use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

* Helper methods for Social Auth and Drupal settings.
trait SettingsTrait {
  protected $configFactory;
  protected function isApprovalRequired() { 

that I would like to overwrite. How do I overwrite JUST that one function in my own module? I've done similar things with classes before, but not sure what to do with a Trait.


1 Answer 1


For those that may run across this. I could not find a way to override (don't think it's possible). I did eventually settle on modifying the line of the file myself, running a git diff, and adding my own patch to my composer.json. In this way, I can run updates and use composer correctly. It's not a patch others will need, but how it was solved might help others.


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