We have an external mongodb instance and we need to query data from it and bring it to Drupal 8 site.

On shell this is how we connect (mongodb is running in a different container than drupal) mongo --host docker_mongo --ssl --sslCAFile=/etc/ssl/mongodb-cert.crt

Adding the following at settings.php does not work and status report shows "No database aliases found in settings. Did you actually configure your settings ?"

$configureMongoDb = function (array $settings): array {
  $settings['mongodb'] = [
    'clients' => [
      // Client alias => connection constructor parameters.
      'mymongo' => [
        'uri' => 'mongodb://docker_mongo:27017',
        'uriOptions' => ['ssl=true&sslCAFile=/etc/ssl/mongodb-cert.crt'],
        'driverOptions' => [],
    'databases' => [
      // Database alias => [ client_alias, database_name ].
      'tutorial2' => ['mymongo', 'tutorial2'],

  return $settings;

Could anyone suggest how to connect to a mongodb instance?

Cross-posting this question at drupal-mongodb issue as well

1 Answer 1


You don't need to set a function in settings.php to define the connection. The documentation lists this as an example:


// In sites/default/settings.local.php.
$settings['mongodb'] = [
  'clients' => [
    // Client alias => connection constructor parameters.
    'default' => [
      'uri' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
      'uriOptions' => [],
      'driverOptions' => [],
  'databases' => [
    // Database alias => [ client_alias, database_name ]
    'default' => ['default', 'drupal'],
    'keyvalue' => ['default', 'keyvalue'],
    'logger' => ['default', 'logger'],
  • Irrespective of where we put this, the status report shows that "No database aliases found in settings. Did you actually configure your settings ?" So something is off
    – amit
    Commented Dec 5, 2018 at 3:43
  • Thanks, I had another issue as pecl install mongodb was not installing ssl which caused failure to connect with mongoldb
    – amit
    Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 18:51

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