I am experimenting with durpal 8 theme hook suggestions. I tried to customize the the theme suggestions based on the style name. I want the ability to add a twig template for each style if I wanted so I tried this:
function themename_theme_suggestions_image_style_alter(&$suggestions, array $variables, $hook) {
$suggestions[] = [$hook . '__' . $variables['style_name']];
function themename_theme_suggestions_image_alter(&$suggestions, array $variables, $hook) {
$suggestions[] = [$hook . '__' . $variables['style_name']];
I was expecting to see this as a theme hook suggestion in the html comments printed by in the page source after enabling twig debuging.
Using xdebug the hook is triggered but I don't find it in the suggestions list in the html after enabling twig.config.debug to true.
am I missing anything?