I have a node type that references other nodes. When viewing node of Content Type A, I have set up a view that displays all references to nodes of Content Type B on a gmap.

This is the code from a template file that overrides the display of view_one; it calls the map in from another view.

  $view = views_get_view('view_one');
  $contents = $view->result;

  foreach($contents as $content) {
    $nodes[] = $content->node_field_data_field_B_content_nid;

  if (isset($nodes)) {
    $args = implode(',' , $nodes);
    $view = views_get_view('linked_map');

    $markup_map = $view->render($args);

  else {
    $markup_map = '';

It displays beautifully. The only problem is I want to use numbered markers, so that the list is in the same order as the referenced nodes in the main view ("view_one"). Is there some way that I can either utilize a "sort" that won't rearrange the list, or write a custom sort that will preserve the existing order?

I am using the Views module version 7.x-3.1.

  • what order is it finally being displayed in?
    – Jimajamma
    Commented Apr 4, 2012 at 14:44
  • It is displaying by date created I believe, just as a default if I remove all sorting criteria Commented Apr 6, 2012 at 19:23

1 Answer 1


Draggable Views will let you define your own manual sort, and keep it consistent across different displays.

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