We have several fields on our Article content type, one of which is a Link field. In a twig template we would like to display a <section> such that all of it is clickable with different fields inside of it.

Current node--article.html.twig

  <a href={{ url }}>{{ label }}</a>
  <div>{{ content.body }}</div>
  <div>{{ content.field_subtitle }}</div>
  <div>{{ content.field_category }}</div>

Modified node--article.html.twig template to make entire <section> clickable (desired output).

<a href={{ url }} >
  <div>{{ content.body }}</div>
  <div>{{ content.field_subtitle }}</div>
  <div>{{ content.field_category }}</div>

Is there another way I should be doing this?

I was looking for something similar to below. It would output what is under the Modified node--article.html.twig (above)

{{ link(label, url)|insert(content.body, content.field_subtitle, content.field_category) }}

2 Answers 2


I don't see anything for the insert tag in Twig or Drupal, but you can preprocess the url variable in mytheme.theme and pass it to the template, giving you what you want:

<a href="{{ url }}" >
  <div>{{ content.body }}</div>
  <div>{{ content.field_subtitle }}</div>
  <div>{{ content.field_category }}</div>

The url variable would be created in the preprocess function.

If its a standard link field, you could try:

$link = $node->get('field_link')->getValue();

if (!$external) {
  $variables['url'] = Url::fromUri($link['uri'])->toString();
else {
  $variables['url'] = $link['uri'];

Edit: totally forgot the line that checks if it is external.


You can use something like {{ node.field_link.0['#url'] }} to get the absolute value of a url in a link field.

You can use {{ dump(_context) }} temporarily to get exact array key names and values out of twig debug.

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