For Drupal 7, how do I access (or generate) a list of all the field variables available for building a template (for a given content type)?

Some context: I used to rely on the (now deprecated) Contemplate module to write my templates. Directly within its interface, it would print a list of all of the available variables, like this.


It was quite handy. Now that I'm making disk-based templates and do not have this list generated by the Contemplate module, I'm confused as to how I might produce something similar for use as a reference.


1 Answer 1


Use Devel module and then with using get_defined_vars you can get a list of defined variables. then in you template file use the following snippet

// or even  dsm(get_defined_vars()); 

and another solution is based on hook_preprocess. just dumps the variables there.

on your template.theme file

mymodule_preprocess(&$vars, $hook) {

**Update* if you want to see the $variables on node template try on your template.

copy/paste this snippet on your template.php then clear the cache function YOURTHEMENAME_preprocess_node(&$variables) { dpm($variables); // you can add or remove whatever you want to it here }

if your theme name is themetastic So

function themetastic_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
    // you can add or remove whatever you want to it here

Ref: Read this to learn more about preprocessing

  • Can I write this snippet into a php block and put it on a node (of a specific content type)? I tried this, and had promising results, but not exactly what I needed. It printed out what looks like the site's global variables, but not the node's field variables. Is there a way to do this without modifying the template file yet?
    – Sam
    Commented Mar 22, 2019 at 13:20
  • You'd have to do that in a preprocess hook in PHP @Sam (dpm($variables);). Each template is executed in its own scope, with its own bunch of available variables, so executing get_defined_vars will only give you something useful if you execute it directly in the template you want to find the variables for
    – Clive
    Commented Mar 22, 2019 at 13:25
  • @Sam you can do it for an specified hook. as an example. mymodule_preprocess_block or mymodule_preprocess_node. do you how you can use those?
    – Yuseferi
    Commented Mar 22, 2019 at 13:55
  • @YusefMohamadi Thanks! No, I don't know how to use those (but I'm Googling it now!). Any more tips here would be awesome!
    – Sam
    Commented Mar 22, 2019 at 13:58
  • @Sam do you have custom module or theme?
    – Yuseferi
    Commented Mar 22, 2019 at 14:14

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