We use a remote service (not Drupal) to publish press releases and to show those releases in a remote newsroom.
This remote service offers an API so we should be able to fetch and show the newsroom on our Drupal site. To use the API a custom token must be present in the request header and the method used must be GET:
Notified-Custom-Token: [TOKEN]
This is what I have done so far in a custom module named notified_api. [custom token] is replaced by a unique token genererated for our newsroom and [id] is replaced by our newsroom ID:
function notified_api_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
// Fetch newsroom from Notified API with custom token
$headers = array('Authorization'=>'Notified-Custom-Token [token]', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json' );
$url = "https://api.newsroom.notified.com/api/newsrooms/[id]";
$options=array('headers'=>$headers, 'method'=>'GET');
$result=drupal_http_request($url, $options);
Partial result from the dpm:
... (Object) stdClass
url (String, 53 characters ) https://api.newsroom.notified.com/api/newsrooms...
status (String, 5 characters ) Done.
code (Integer) 401
chunk_size (Integer) 32768
data (String, 0 characters )
request (String, 438 characters ) GET /api/newsrooms/345345 HTTP/1.0 Authorizatio...
GET /api/newsrooms/345345 HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Notified-Custom-Token 9832502938403876504329820348ewieitrje...
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Drupal (+http://drupal.org/)
Connection: close
Host: api.newsroom.notified.com
options (Array, 20 elements)
headers (Array, 5 elements)
Authorization (String, 258 characters ) Notified-Custom-Token 9832502938403876504329820348ewieitrje...
Content-Type (String, 16 characters ) application/json
User-Agent (String, 28 characters ) Drupal (+http://drupal.org/)
Connection (String, 5 characters ) close
Host (String, 25 characters ) api.newsroom.notified.com
method (String, 3 characters ) GET
What I get is a 401 message: unauthorized. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?