I must be missing some core concept of search API somehow, but I am stuck. The goal is to alter search API results depending on a flag, like Give flagged products in search API a higher search score? however this time without SOLR, but with database backend instead.
I can see all flagged fields properly indexed, so there is a line that associates the content entity id with the user who flagged, and now I want to increase the relevance score of the results, so that items flagged by the current user are always shown first.
I have hijacked the SearchApiDbService class and I did add the following line in postQuery (I also wonder why this hook does not exist, but that is not relevant for now):
drupal_alter('search_api_db_query_results', $results, $query);
This should allow me to alter the search results right before search_api_db hands them over to the search API right?
So now I use the alter hook as follows:
function mymodule_search_api_db_query_results_alter(&$results, SearchApiQueryInterface $query) {
global $user;
$uid = $user->uid;
// Fetch a list of content entities that the user has flagged.
$drupal_db_q = db_select('search_api_db_MY_FLAG_FIELD_TABLE', 'f')
->condition('value', $uid);
$items = $drupal_db_q->execute()->fetchCol();
// Iterate over results and multiply score of flagged items.
foreach ($results['results'] as $key => &$result) {
if (in_array($key, $items)) {
$result['score'] *= 10;
In $results
I can see that the scores have changed, but the order of the items on my views results page has not, even though I am sorting by relevance.
It has to be something simple, or I am completely misunderstanding how the score value works somehow?
p.s. Since this is conditionally I don't think altering the search api query directly makes sense because I found no way to boost any field scores there. Directions on how to achieve that are welcome too.