I have multiple images coming dynamically in array. But while adding those images to node only last file get attached in field and other images only saved in file directory. I have tried everything but didn't find any solution. Please help. Please review the code and suggest me the solution.

$node = Node::create(['type' => 'my_contentType']);
$node->set('title', $item['name']);
$node->set('field_author_name', $item['author']);
foreach ($FilePaths_keys as $path){
$digitalFile_path = $item['bitstreams'][$path] ['retrieveLink'];
$get_data_contents = file_get_contents($digitalFile_path);
$file = file_save_data($get_data_contents, 'public://'.$item['bitstreams'][$path]['name'], FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); 
$Dfiles = [
        'target_id' => $file->id(),
        'alt' => $item['bitstreams'][$path]['name'],
        'title' => $item['bitstreams'][$path]['name']
$node->set('field_book_image', $Dfiles);

Running this code will save all images in directory but only last image got attached with node. How all the images get attach in "field_book_image" unlimited field.

1 Answer 1


Just change your code:

$Dfiles = [];
foreach ($FilePaths_keys as $path){
  $Dfiles[] = [
        'target_id' => $file->id(),
        'alt' => $item['bitstreams'][$path]['name'],
        'title' => $item['bitstreams'][$path]['name']
$node->set('field_book_image', $Dfiles);
  • Thank you...you made my day. Thanks a lot. Commented Jul 24, 2019 at 9:07

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