I am currently setting up a payment method in my Drupal 7 site and following the API documentation for the service I could use this cURL command for testing purposes:

$ curl -s -S -i --cert
./Swish_Merchant_TestCertificate_1231181189.p12:swish --cert-type p12 --
cacert ./Swish_TLS_RootCA.pem --tlsv1.1 --header "Content-Type:
https://mss.cpc.getswish.net/swish-cpcapi/api/v1/paymentrequests --data
'{ "payeePaymentReference" : "0123456789", "callbackUrl" :
"https://myfakehost.se/swishcallback.cfm", "payerAlias" : "4671234768",
"payeeAlias" : "1231181189", "amount" : "100", "currency" : "SEK",
"message" : "Kingston USB Flash Drive 8 GB" }'

But since I am developing this function in Drupal 7 I want to use drupal_http_request instead. But I am confused about how to include the certificates used in the cURL command. Anyone?

EDITED: After the suggestion below I added a context parameter. I still get "connection refused by destination". Is there anything more I should do? This is how my function looks so far:

function create_payment_request(){
  // Send payment request to Swish API
  $headers =  array('Content-Type'=>'application/JSON' );
  $url = "https://mss.cpc.getswish.net/swish-cpcapi/api/v1/paymentrequests";

  $context = stream_context_create([ 'ssl' => [
  'local_cert'        => '/mypathtocertificates/TestCertificate_123456789.pem',
  'passphrase'        => 'pass' ]]);

  $json = '{
  "payeePaymentReference": "0123456789",
  "callbackUrl: "/swish_callback",
  "payerAlias": "4671234768",
  "payeeAlias: "1231181189",
  "amount": "100",
  "currency": "SEK",
  "message": "testo 925"

      'context' => $context,

    $result=drupal_http_request($url, $options);

1 Answer 1


You need to supply a context parameter in the options for drupal_http_request. The value is a stream context created using the PHP function stream_context_create.

There are a lot of possible parameters so you may have to hunt through the parameter list to find the ones you want.

  • Thanks a lot! I have edited my question. There is still something wrong though, the destination refuses to connect.
    – TBJ
    Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 15:03
  • Not an expert on this but might you need a cacert entry as well? Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 15:14
  • That took me one step further. Now the status is "connecting", but I still get an error: "Error initializing socket". But thanks a lot, I will contact this payment provider directly to figure out the rest. Thanks a lot for your input. Correct answer since the context parameter is just what was missing.
    – TBJ
    Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 6:38

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