For one of my projects, I have to create a tree menu, with parents and children, that would be used to navigate through the website. The parents are collapsible. Below is the twig file that I am using to generate the menu:
{% macro menu_links(menu_tree, route_tid, current_depth, max_depth, collapsible) %}
{% import _self as macros %}
{% for item in menu_tree %}
set liClass = [
item.subitem and current_depth < max_depth ? 'menu-item menu-item--expanded block-taxonomymenu__menu-item block-taxonomymenu__menu-item--expanded' : 'menu-item block-taxonomymenu__menu-item',
route_tid == item.tid ? 'menu-item--active block-taxonomymenu__menu-item--active' : ''
<li class="{{ liClass|join(' ') }}">
{% if item.image %}
<img class="menu-item-image block-taxonomymenu__image" src="{{ item.image }}" {% if item.use_image_style == false %}height="{{ item.height }}" width="{{ item.width }}"{% endif %} />
{% endif %}
<span class="levels">
<a href="{{ item.url }}" class="block-taxonomymenu__link {% if route_tid == item.tid %}active block-taxonomymenu__link--active{% endif %}">{{ }}{% if item.show_count == true %} [{{ item.nodes|length }}]{% endif %}</a>
{% if item.subitem and current_depth < max_depth %}
{% if item.interactive_parent %}
<i class="far fa-plus-square parent-toggle" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{% endif %}
{% if collapsible == TRUE %}
<ul class="menu block-taxonomymenu__submenu collapsed-submenu">
{% else %}
<ul class="menu block-taxonomymenu__submenu">
{% endif %}
{{ macros.menu_links(item.subitem, route_tid, current_depth + 1, max_depth, collapsible) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
I wanted to know if it was possible to add an extra class to the last li class of the tree menu? I have actually tried to add current_depth == max_depth ? 'item--last': '' in the setliClass and {% if current_depth == max_depth %}item--last{% endif %}" in the li class="{{ liClass|join(' ') }}" part, but this is not working.