Drupal 8.7.x
For one of my content types I have an entity reference field referencing a taxonomy vocabulary. I have a lot of terms in this vocabulary which makes it tedious to check all the checkboxes if you practically need all of them checked. I would like to integrate a single checkbox at the top of the field in the node creation form that allows you to check/uncheck all the terms at once.
I found a few modules that do this in drupal 7 but so far I had no luck finding anything related to drupal 8.
How would I go about integrating this functionality myself ?
At the moment I have a jquery function in my theme that adds a checkbox at the top of the fields like so:
(function ($, Drupal) {
* Check all checkboxes.
Drupal.behaviors.initFootnotes = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
$(".form-checkboxes").prepend($('<input type="checkbox" class="form-checkbox shield-select-all" /><label class="option shield-select-all-label"> Select / Deselect all </label>'));
let selector = $(".shield-select-all");
selector.on('click', function (event) {
console.log("the checkbox is clicked");
let $options = $('.form-type-checkbox');
console.log("I'm an option"),
})(jQuery, Drupal);
The select all checkbox is added but the checkboxes aren't changing their state when the select all checkbox is checked. I noly get "I'm an option" once in the console.
Thanks in advance, Geordi