I'm attempting to sort the results of a View by matching one of the Entity IDs in the result set to the referring URL Entity ID. I'm trying to do this in a custom Views Sort plugin. I did some research on Custom Views Sort plugins and came across this link:


Following the tutorial, I arrived at the simplest hook_views_data() entry:

$data['node_field_data']['nid'] = array(
    'title' => t('Custom trials sort'),
    'group' => t('Content'),
    'help' => t('Sort events by by referral source.'),
    'sort' => array(
      'id' => 'trials_sort'

I added this sort to the View in question. In the class with the id trials_sort I've added this method:

public function query() {
  $has_custom_sort_id = $this->detectCustomSorting();
  if($has_custom_sort_id !== FALSE){
    $id_to_top = $has_custom_sort_id;

    $sql_snippet = <<<EOF
CASE $this->tableAlias.nid
  WHEN nid = $id_to_top THEN 1 ELSE 2
    $this->query->addOrderBy(NULL, $sql_snippet, $this->options['order']);


The goal was to get an ORDER BY like:

ORDER BY (CASE WHEN nid = $id_to_top THEN 1 ELSE 2 END);

All of this is executing on the appropriate view. However, Drupal is adding the SQL in an odd way. In the above code, my ORDER BY looks close to right:

enter image description here

But my fields array looks very wonky:

enter image description here

I'm clearly missing something that tells Drupal to interpret this additional orderBy as a formula. How do i do that?

1 Answer 1


As shown in this SO answer:

How to sort on different columns in the same view?

the views SQL object uses ->addField instead of ->addExpression. This code ended up working for me:

  public function query() {
    $has_custom_sort_id = $this->detectCustomSorting();
    if($has_custom_sort_id !== FALSE){
      $id_to_top = $has_custom_sort_id;
        "nid = ".$id_to_top, 'is_match');
      array_unshift($this->query->orderby,['field' => 'is_match', 'direction' => 'DESC']);

The array_unshift just moves the is_match sort before the draggableviews sort which is also on this View. For some reason, re-arranging them in the View UI caused the draggableviews sort to drop off. Hope this helps someone in the future.

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