I am working on migrating a custom API from D7 to D8 and am doing so by using module routing. I have a routing.yml file that looks like so:

  path: "/api/v1/user/login"
    _title: "User API Login"
    _controller: '\Drupal\ytp_user\Controller\UserAPIController::login'
  methods: [POST]
    _csrf_request_header_token: "TRUE"
  path: "/api/v2/user/me"
    _title: "User API Get Current User"
    _controller: '\Drupal\ytp_user\Controller\UserAPIController::getCurrentUser'
  methods: [GET]
    _custom_access: '\Drupal\ytp_user\Controller\UserAPIController::authorize'

In the first route, I am trying to validate a csrf token provided in the headers, via the requirement _csrf_request_header_token: "TRUE", however, this does absolutely nothing. It doesn't validate or even check that the header exists as the documentation suggests it should.

I've tried replacing this with _csrf_token: 'TRUE' which at least checks that the token exists in the query, but I can't get a valid token!!! If I grab a token from /session/token and then pass it along in the query as ?token=<token-from-session/token> then I just get an error saying the CSRF token is invalid.

Am I missing another step or is the documentation just straight up incorrect? I have been searching for hours and everything suggests that what I have should work, so why is the CSRF token not being validated properly?

  • I've not used _csrf_request_header_token but I believe it's entirely separate from _csrf_token. The latter is the vanilla way of requiring a CSRF token to a route (eg. Devel uses it on the Clear cache route), and it's supplied as a query parameter: see drupal.org/node/3048359. IIUC the header token was extracted from the REST module, uses the token from the /session/token endpoint and is for remote API use. Are you issuing a post/patch/put? Have you authenticated?
    – Andy
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 10:01
  • 1
    I read something recently that mentioned anon users don't have real sessions, that sessions are reinitialized for each request. To Andy's point, I wonder if you need to authenticate before these tokens can work.
    – sonfd
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 14:16
  • Yeah, that’s exactly what the documentation says, but it’s not working as suggested. When using _csrf_token it checks for the token, but says it’s invalid when the token is from /session/token. When using _csrf_request_header_token, it doesn’t check the header at all. I’m issuing a post call, and I’m trying to authenticate, thats what I’m trying to get the csrf token for, to login a user. Is /session/token suppose to create cookie headers or something? I’m not sure what to connect, the documentation is absolute garbage.
    – BlondeSwan
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 14:18
  • That doesn’t make sense, wouldn’t you want to verify CSRF before you authenticate a user?
    – BlondeSwan
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 14:19
  • It doesn't look like it? drupal.stackexchange.com/a/221045/48114 (I really don't have any first hand experience with this though.)
    – sonfd
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 14:27

1 Answer 1


The requirement _csrf_request_header_token: "TRUE" works only if user is connected because CsrfRequestHeaderAccessCheck use session informations.
If you look at CsrfRequestHeaderAccessCheck in the access method there is:

 if ($account
      ->isAuthenticated() && $this->sessionConfiguration
      ->hasSession($request)) {

To check if the user is connected and it there is a session identifier in the request if it's not it will go directly to:

// Let other access checkers decide if the request is legit.
    return AccessResult::allowed()->setCacheMaxAge(0);

so it will not check if X-CSRF-Token is in the headers or not even if you set the route requirement _csrf_request_header_token: "TRUE".
Code MODULE.routing.yml MODULE.login:

  path: "/api/v1/user/login"
    _title: "User API Login"
    _controller: '\Drupal\MODULE\Controller\UserAPIController::login'
  methods: 'POST'
    _csrf_request_header_token: 'TRUE'


class UserAPIController extends ControllerBase {
  public function login(Request $request) {
    $response['data'] = 'Some test data to return';
    $response['method'] = 'POST';

    return new JsonResponse( $response );



  1. With Connected user enter image description here
  2. with anonymous user enter image description here

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