For some reason my feeds event subscribers have just stopped working.
My code looks like this, the dpm for debugging never gets fired so I think the function isn't being run.
I can't work out what's changed.
namespace Drupal\partshub_feeds_modifications\EventSubscriber;
use Drupal\feeds\Event\EntityEvent;
use Drupal\feeds\Event\FeedsEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
* Reacts to feeds events to modify feed properties.
class FeedsSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
$events = [];
$events[FeedsEvents::PROCESS_ENTITY_PRESAVE][] = 'presave';
$events[FeedsEvents::PROCESS_ENTITY_POSTSAVE][] = 'postsave';
return $events;
* Acts on presaving an entity.
* @param Drupal\feeds\Event\EntityEvent $event
* The feed event.
public function presave(EntityEvent $event) {
// Get the feed object.
$feed = $event->getFeed();
// Get the entity being operated on.
if ($feed->type->entity->id() === 'parts') {
$entity = $event->getEntity();
// Get the unchanged entity.
$unchanged_entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
// Check if the entity is new.
if (!$entity->isNew()) {
// Only if part is not new check values.
if ($feed->type->entity->label() === 'Parts') {
if ($entity->get('title')->value === 'empty') {
$entity->get('title')->value = $unchanged_entity->get('title')->value;
// Part fitment/makes field.
if ($entity->get('field_make')->isEmpty()) {
$makes = $unchanged_entity->get('field_make')->referencedEntities();
foreach ($makes as $index => $term) {
$tid = $term->id();
if ($index == 0) {
$entity->set('field_make', $tid);
else {
'target_id' => $tid,
// Part group code.
if ($entity->get('field_group_code')->isEmpty()) {
$codes = $unchanged_entity->get('field_group_code')
foreach ($codes as $index => $code) {
$code_id = $code->id();
if ($index == 0) {
$entity->set('field_group_code', $code_id);
else {
'target_id' => $code_id,
// Cross references.
if ($entity->get('field_cross_references')->isEmpty()) {
$references = $unchanged_entity->get('field_cross_references')
foreach ($references as $index => $reference) {
$reference_id = $reference->id();
if ($index == 0) {
$entity->set('field_cross_references', $reference_id);
else {
'target_id' => $reference_id,
elseif ($feed->type->entity->label() === 'Physical attributes') {
if ($entity->get('title')->value === 'empty') {
$entity->get('title')->value = $unchanged_entity->get('title')->value;
// Part weight.
if ($entity->get('field_weight')->isEmpty()) {
$entity->get('field_weight')->value = $unchanged_entity->get('field_weight')->value;
// Part Height.
if ($entity->get('field_height')->isEmpty()) {
$entity->get('field_height')->value = $unchanged_entity->get('field_height')->value;
// Part Width.
if ($entity->get('field_width')->isEmpty()) {
$entity->get('field_width')->value = $unchanged_entity->get('field_width')->value;
// Part Depth.
if ($entity->get('field_depth')->isEmpty()) {
$entity->get('field_depth')->value = $unchanged_entity->get('field_depth')->value;
* Acts on presaving an entity.
* @param Drupal\feeds\Event\EntityEvent $event
* The feed event.
public function postsave(EntityEvent $event) {
$feed = $event->getFeed();
$feeds = ['oe_references', 'sub_components', 'dimensions'];
$id = $feed->type->entity->id();
if (in_array($id, $feeds)) {
$entity = $event->getEntity();
$parent_field_name = $entity->parent_field_name->value;
$parent_id = $entity->parent_id->value;
$vid = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->getLatestRevisionId($parent_id);
$part = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->loadRevision($vid);
$paragraph_references = $part->get($parent_field_name)->referencedEntities();
$paragraph_references_id = [];
if ($paragraph_references) {
foreach ($paragraph_references as $paragraph_reference) {
$paragraph_references_id[] = $paragraph_reference->id();
if (!in_array($entity->id(), $paragraph_references_id)) {
$fields = [
'field_oe_references', 'field_sub_components_', 'field_dimensions'
if (in_array($parent_field_name, $fields)) {
if ($part) {
$part->{$parent_field_name}[] = $entity;
I also have a service definition as follows.
# Name of this service.
# Event subscriber class that will listen for the events.
class: Drupal\partshub_feeds_modifications\EventSubscriber\FeedsSubscriber
# Tagged as an event_subscriber to register this subscriber with the event_dispatch service.
- { name: event_subscriber }
but that doesn't work either.