In my custom module I have a few "publication" routes that do not need any kind of authentication. Months ago I learnt that I could achieve this with the following requirements in routing.yml:

    _access: 'TRUE'

This works on my existing routes.

Now I'm trying to add a new one that parses the Authorization HTTP header only for identification purposes: the purpose is to show a custom view on public data, without any authentication or authorization need. So, I tried to reach my custom route adding an Authorization header (via a browser extension), and I get the following error:

Path: /CLS/it/pub/quadroxml. Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException: 
The used authentication method is not allowed on this route. 
in Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\AuthenticationSubscriber->onExceptionAccessDenied() 
(line 134 of [...]/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/AuthenticationSubscriber.php).

So, sending an Authorization header apparently triggers some authentication method even on routes with _access: 'TRUE'.

Can I disable completely all authentication and authorization on some routes? Alternatively, can I enable the "used authentication method" on my route, and then accept any password? (I am only interested in the user id!)

3 Answers 3


I'm not sure about how to accept any password. But there is a difference between the default user authentication and basic_auth you are probably using for this route. The first one is defined as global:


    class: Drupal\user\Authentication\Provider\Cookie
    arguments: ['@session_configuration', '@database', '@messenger']
      - { name: authentication_provider, provider_id: 'cookie', priority: 0, global: TRUE }

while the second one is not:


    class: Drupal\basic_auth\Authentication\Provider\BasicAuth
    arguments: ['@config.factory', '@user.auth', '@flood', '@entity_type.manager']
      - { name: authentication_provider, provider_id: 'basic_auth', priority: 100 }

In this case the route needs to specify the _auth option. See


  • Well, this is indeed not complete, but it put me on the right track. I understood that the authentication providers available were not suited to my needs, so I implemented a custom one. and then I added it to the _auth option, as I suggested. I think this may deserve a new answer, and a comment to the other question that put me on the right track... Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 14:13
  • I've hesitated to suggest a custom authentication provider, because the question topic was the route definition. But showing the two core definitions was pointing in that direction and then of course you need a priority of >100 to override both.
    – 4uk4
    Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 14:58
  • Yes, indeed it pointed in the right direction. I'm curious about your statement on the priority, is it possible that if I use a low priority the predefined authentication providers are still used? I ask because that's what seems to be happening... Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 15:10
  • If you have enabled HTTP Basic Authentication and you are sending an Authorization header, this module is used, unless you implement a custom authentication provider with a higher priority. The authentication happens before routing. After routing it's only checked whether the provider which won the authentication race before is appropriate for the route.
    – 4uk4
    Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 16:00
  • I see. That explains everything I saw. I didn't find this behaviour documented anywhere – but I may have not looked deep enough. Also, I guess that implementing a custom behaviour on an HTTP Basic Authentication is not really a common requirement, especially nowadays... Anyway, I think that now this is documented, here :) Commented Dec 14, 2021 at 9:46

You can do pretty much anything you want when it comes to access control, by either defining a custom access check via a controller class (1) that you set directly on the specific route, or by creating your own access check service (2).

1. Access check via controller class
Docs: Custom route access checking


    _custom_access: '\Drupal\example\Controller\ExampleController::access'


class ExampleController {

  public function access(AccountInterface $account) {
    // Return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface here


2. Access check service
Docs: Advanced route access checking

Basically, you do the same thing that provides the _access parameter that you already use (which is implemented by DefaultAccessChecker. So you create a tagged service and set that service to be a requirement on your route. The example from the docs is very complete, so I don't copy that here.

  • Thank you, I already add a custom route access check in my module. I tried to add another one for this new path, but it made no difference: in the end I managed to solve my problem using a custom authentication provider, so I guess my problem was in the earlier phase of authentication rather than in the access check phase. Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 14:10

Inspired by @4k4 answer, I implemented a custom authentication provider, as detailed here: the sample implementation used on that page only checks for the presence of an header, I just had to replace X-Auth-Token with Authorization to get the code to do what I need.

With a minor, but important correction: if I left priority: 10 in the tags of the authentication service, I still keep on getting the same error when I send an Authorization header in the request. I struggled with this problem for a few hours, googling and searching; in the end my eye fell on the priority: -10 value of a path processor service I implemented months ago, where I had left the helpful comment "Low priority acts last", so I changed the value of the priority to 1000, and suddenly I managed to get my route to work!

I don't understand exactly why this happens, since I had only my custom authentication provider in the _auth vector under options, so I don't see how another provider can get a higher priority. I think this may be a bug, I'll try to find the time to reproduce it on a clean installation and file it.

Anyone needing help on this issue should also have a look at this question: it didn't help me much because the problem with priority is not mentioned, but since the problem is exactly the same, maybe other hints may be collected.

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