By default, Drupal 9 allows usernames to have spaces, periods(.), hyphens(-), apostrophes('), underscores(_) and @ symbols.

How would I disallow spaces, periods, apostrophes and @ symbols?


1 Answer 1


I used the Username Validation module suggested by Patrick Kenny in his comment. The Blacklist characters field shown by the module on /admin/config/people/user-name-validation did the trick.

  • There are also a LOT of other questions on here that ask the same or similar question. See the "Related" block to the right ->
    – anonymous
    Commented Feb 9, 2022 at 6:02
  • All of those questions are outdated or have nothing to do with the question of disallowing characters. I did search the website first before posting. Now admittedly, I didn't search "validation" when googling, which is probably why I didn't find the module that solved my problem.
    – cofihouse
    Commented Feb 9, 2022 at 6:12

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