I use the goalgorilla/open_social
profile which brings in open social with its various modules. Inside its social_user.module
there is a standard hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
implementation which I temporarily edit and prepend echo 'social';
. I also have a custom module my_custom_module
with the same hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
implementation which simply contains echo 'custom';
My problem is that no matter what, I cannot get my custom module's echo to run after the open social's one. The higher weight of my custom module does not seem to affect anything. So far I've done the following:
module_set_weight('my_custom_module', 9999);
- Confirmed in
social: 0
social_user: 0
my_custom_module: 9999
- Installed https://www.drupal.org/project/modules_weight and confirmed the expected weights at
Where should I look at next?