I want to attach a file to a mail from an input file in my form. Here is how I build the mail :
$mailManager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail');
$params['title'] = 'title test';
$params['message'] = 'my message example';
$form_file = $form_state->getValue('my_input_file');
if (isset($form_file[0]) && !empty($form_file[0])) {
$file = File::load($form_file[0]);
$params['attachments'][] = $file;
$to = '[email protected]';
$result = $mailManager->mail('my_module', 'my_key', $to, \Drupal::currentUser()->getPreferredLangcode(), $params, NULL, TRUE);
I'm also using an EmailBuilder for rendering the mail :
* Defines the Email Builder plug-in for my_module module.
* @EmailBuilder(
* id = "my_module",
* sub_types = { },
* )
class DemandeCreationEmailBuilder extends EmailProcessorBase
* {@inheritdoc}
public function preRender(EmailInterface $email)
'site' => \Drupal::config('system.site')->get('name'),
'message' => $email->getParam('message'),
'attachments' => $email->getParam('attachments'), // I tried this but it's not working
The data from message is correctly included in the mail, but the file is not.
I'm using the Symfony Mailer module (version : 1.0.0-alpha7) to send mails. My version of Drupal is 9.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem please ?