The following works on three sites but doesn't work on one. I've restored the site from the backup of another site, and this works, until it doesn't work the next day. I've reinstalled modules.
I make the following POST request:
POST /node?_format=hal_json HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Ruby
Authorization: Basic <authstr>
Connection: close
Host: <domain>
Content-Length: 215
<- "{\"_links\":{\"type\":{\"href\":\"https://<domain>/rest/type/node/article\"}},\"title\":[{\"value\":\"2024-03-15 Test\"}],\"body\":[{\"value\":\"\\u003cimg src='' alt='' /\\u003e\",\"format\":\"full_html\"}],\"type\":[{\"target_id\":\"article\"}]}"
where <authstr>
and <domain>
are my reasonable values. I'm getting <Net::HTTPForbidden 403 Forbidden readbody=true>
with message:
"{\"message\":\"The used authentication method is not allowed on this route.\"}"
What is wrong?
I am using:
- HAL 1.0.3
- HTTP Basic Authentication 9.5.11
- restui 8.x-1.21
- RESTful Web Services 9.5.11
- Drupal 9.5