I have a module Decoupled Passkeys that adds JSON-RPC module endpoints, so it depends on JSON-RPC.

When I run tests with a custom phpstan.neon, I'm getting a lot of errors because phpstan cannot find the JSON-RPC module:

  130    Call to static method internalError() on an unknown class                                
         💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols   

Here's a failed pipeline.

The JSON-RPC module is required in composer.json:

  "name": "drupal/decoupled_passkeys",
  "description": "Enables passkey login/registration via JSON:RPC and Webauthn.",
  "type": "drupal-module",
  "require": {
    "php": ">=8.2",
    "ext-json":  "*",
    "drupal/jsonrpc": "^2",
    "drupal/public_key_credential_source": "^1.0@alpha"

The phpstan.neon looks like this:

        checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType: false
        # Sometimes Drupal gets it wrong.
        treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false
        level: 9
          # Drupal does not define its own arrays.
          - '#no value type specified in iterable type array#'
          - '#no value type specified in iterable type Drupal\\Core\\Field\\FieldItemListInterface#'
          # Level 9 has lots of annoying offset errors.
          - '#Cannot access offset#'

When running phpstan from Gitlab CI via Drupal.org, how do I tell phpstan where the dependent modules are installed? I don't want to check the dependencies for errors with phpstan, but I need phpstan to be able to access the classes in the dependencies to see what is being extended.

1 Answer 1


The composer file is correct; drupal/jsonrpc

The info.yml file is not correct. Only modules provided by core are prefixed with drupal, e.g. drupal:comment. All other modules are prefixed with the project name, e.g. jsonrpc:jsonrpc

  • Huh, despite using Drupal 8 since the launch, I somehow missed that, but the docs clearly say so. The reason I missed it is because you can define dependencies incorrectly prefixed with drupal/ and drush pm-enable mymodule still enables them as expected. Commented Mar 25 at 12:03

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