It is done with writing the views tpl.By clicking on the theme option of view and you can check the value of your fields in your tpl files like Display Output,Style Output,etc..You can get the code of this tpl file by clicking on the output which you want to check like Display Output,Style Output,etc..Just like I click on the style Output and the code of the style output is displayed as shown in the image .Now you can save this file with the name as given in the figure1 in front of the tpl(Display Output,Style Output,etc.).Now you can save this in your enabled theme. for more information of view themeing and views tpl naming please see this. you can check values of fields in this tpl and show as per your requirement. After making the tpl file and placing it in your enabled theme direcory.Now you can click on the rescan template files so that this file will be active and this filename will be shwoing in bold text.
if ($image) {
print $image;
if ($video) {
print $video;
you can change the name of fields($image,$video) above as you have.