Okay, I endet up with adding the following to my custom_webform module:
Routing adding custom access:
path: 'print/{export_type}/{entity_type}/{entity_id}'
_controller: '\Drupal\entity_print\Controller\EntityPrintController::viewPrint'
_title: 'Entity Print'
_custom_access: 'custom_webform_custom_access'
adding a new Token:
function custom_webform_token_info()
$info['tokens']['webform_submission']['secure_pdf_url'] = [
'name' => t('Secure PDF URL'),
'description' => t('A secure link to download the PDF with token-based access.'),
return $info;
function custom_webform_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data, array $options, BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata, WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission = NULL) {
$replacements = [];
foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {
if ($name === 'secure_pdf_url' && $webform_submission instanceof WebformSubmissionInterface) {
$replacements[$original] = custom_webform_generate_secure_pdf_url($webform_submission);
return $replacements;
Generating the secure token url:
function custom_webform_generate_secure_pdf_url(WebformSubmissionInterface $submission) {
if (!$submission instanceof WebformSubmissionInterface) {
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->warning('Invalid WebformSubmission provided to custom_webform_generate_secure_pdf_url().');
return '';
$pdf_uri = "print/pdf/webform_submission/{$submission->id()}";
$token = _webform_entity_print_token_generate($pdf_uri);
$pdf_url = $pdf_uri . '?webform_entity_print_itok=' . $token;
return $pdf_url;
Here I found that, there is already a token generate in webform submodule webform_entity_print but it isn't exposed and there isn't a custom access for that. It is used for the PDF-Print button I guess but that couldn't be used in our use case somehow. Maybe this could be exposed as token in the future.
Then I added the custom_access method:
* Custom access callback for entity print routes.
function custom_webform_custom_access($export_type, $entity_type, $entity_id, AccountInterface $account) {
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->notice("Checking access for export_type: $export_type, entity_type: $entity_type, entity_id: $entity_id.");
// Nur für den Export-Typ „pdf“ und Entitätstyp „webform_submission“.
if ($export_type !== 'pdf' || $entity_type !== 'webform_submission') {
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->warning("Access denied due to incorrect type.");
return AccessResult::forbidden();
// Token aus der URL holen und prüfen.
$token = \Drupal::request()->query->get('webform_entity_print_itok');
if ($token) {
$pdf_uri = "print/$export_type/$entity_type/$entity_id";
$expected_token = _webform_entity_print_token_generate($pdf_uri);
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->notice("Generated URI for token: $pdf_uri, Expected token: $expected_token");
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->notice("URL-Token: $token, Expected Token: $expected_token");
// Zugriff gewähren, wenn das Token korrekt ist.
if ($token === $expected_token) {
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->notice("Access allowed due to valid token.");
return AccessResult::allowed();
} else {
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->warning("Access denied due to invalid token.");
} else {
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->warning("Access denied due to missing token.");
// Standard-Zugriffsprüfung für „view own submissions“ verwenden.
$webform_submission = WebformSubmission::load($entity_id);
if ($webform_submission && $webform_submission->access('view', $account)) {
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->notice("Access allowed based on 'view own submissions' permission.");
return AccessResult::allowed();
\Drupal::logger('custom_webform')->warning("Access denied due to failed permissions check.");
return AccessResult::forbidden();
There might be an easier way or maybe I did overlook something that's already there but this seems to work quite good. Now I too can add those pdf links for later use to an email for generating tickets instead of only containing the submissions values.