Possible Duplicate:
How do I convert a database from MyISAM to InnoDB?
Due to a bug in the Backup and Migrate module http://drupal.org/node/1128620 , all of my DB tables were reverted to MyISAM. How to return them all back to to InnoDB. (Perhaps using phpmyadmin?)
I used to use http://drupal.org/project/dbtuner/ in D6 for this. However there isn't a D7 version.
Also, are there any side effects or possible gotchas for switching this in this way?
// connect your database here first
$sql = "SHOW tables";
$rs = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
$tbl = $row[0];
What do I need to add to the section "connect your database here first" to connect to my Drupal DB?