I am using Drupal 7, and I have strange problem with meta tags. For some content type even if I enter meta title, meta keywords and description, they don't get effective on page.

Where in for some content type it does reflect the meta information.

How can I narrow down the problem? I have no idea how I can make use of meta tag quick module for my problem because meta information is not getting generated.

How can I debug where the problem exists?

3 Answers 3


I searched for this a while and found some solutions.

The thing is make sure you have rendered the <?php print render($page['content']['metatags']); ?> in page--front.tpl.php


You should try to use the Devel module. This should help you debug and narrow down the problem.

  • 1
    I would use the Devel module too, probably starting in Theme preprocess functions (for html) to see if something is overriding the data, then working up to module functions & hooks. Commented Nov 19, 2012 at 17:09

do you use display suite on the content type where you have problem. If yes, you should read this post and apply the patch. You must use the full display and not the default display to get the meta tags on yours pages.

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