I'd like to export a (views)-list of events to re-import it with Indesign or Pagemaker, so XML, CSV or RTF-format would be great. The list should be restricted to one, the current month (this is no problem with views or even views bulk operations). The important thing is: the events must be grouped by the event-day and their respective categories (concert, theatre).
I already tried the Views Data Export module, but there is no way of grouping the fields. So every "event" has all it's fields in one column.
Is there another module you could recommend or do i have to do this programmatically (which I can't unfortunately).
Thanks in advance for every hint...
Update Thanks to WestieUK i installed the Views Data Source module, which is working great, but not as expected. There's also no grouping of fields (at least not obvious).
So this is what i have:
<location>Club A</location>
<location>Club B</location>
I'd like to have it something like this:
<eventdate date:21/7/2012>
<categorie name:Clubland>
<location>Club A</location>
<location>Club B</location>
Any ideas? If this can be achieved prorgammatically, like making a custom module (based on perhaps the Views Data Source module), I'd give it a try with your help!