I found out that I'm getting a much better query performance if I use an INNER JOIN of users and userpoints compared to a LEFT JOIN.
Currently, new users have 0 userpoints when they register, I'll change that to 1 point with a rule.
To add 1 point to all users with 0 points I was thinking of using a view and Views Bulk Operations.
To get to "the point": I can't filter the view to show users with 0 points because they don't have a record in the userpoints table. This is the SQL that views tries to generate:
{users} users
LEFT JOIN {userpoints_total} userpoints_total ON users.uid = userpoints_total.uid
WHERE (userpoints_total.points = '0')
I don't think it's possible to generate a query with views to find users without a record in a related table? Or is there a trick?