Apache Solr Search Integtation (apachesolr module) is dependent on the core Search module. I set this up at https://www.test.epcsite.com/search/content. I also setup display suite so that I can theme my search results.
I have a couple questions:
- The Default Search form uses Drupal core search. If you go to https://www.test.epcsite.com/search it redirects to https://www.test.epcsite.com/search/content, I don't quite know why. I would like it to stay on "/search".
- apachesolor setup a url at /search/site, which puts a tab on the search form. Clicking on the tab takes you to another search form, but it won't use Display Suite to theme the results. The tab itself is confusing and it would be nice to get rid of it.
- Going to https://www.test.epcsite.com/search/content displays "Your search yielded no results" but I haven't run the search yet. How do I customize this message not to show? How do I customize the message so that it says what I want.