I am redirecting my users with the following code:

      'query' => array('nid'=>$submission->nid, 'sid'=>$submission->sid),

On the target page I am executing the following function:

function _event_registration_failed($nid, $sid){

  drupal_set_message("TESTING NID: {$nid}");
  drupal_set_message("TESTING SID: {$sid}");

My the variables in the drupal_set_message calls do not have any data. But, the $_REQUEST object above has the data I expected.

Is there a correct way to access argument passed with drupal_goto or is it correct to use the $_REQUEST object array?

1 Answer 1


Query arguments are available in $_GET. Drupal doesn't handle those query arguments for your menu callback; the only query argument Drupal automatically handles is $_GET['q'], which is the path for the requested page.

By default, $_REQUEST contains the contents of $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE. Drupal uses $_GET for the requested page path, and I would rather use $_GET also in this case, just to avoid possible conflicts.

In your case, those query arguments are accessible with $_GET['nid'], and $_GET['sid'].

If you define the menu handler with code similar to the following one, then your menu callback gets those values as arguments.

function event_menu() {
  $items["event/registration/failed/%/%"] = array(
    // …
    'page callback' => '_event_registration_failed',
    'page arguments' => array(3, 4),

  return $items;

function _event_registration_failed($nid, $sid) {
  // …

You could get the node object, instead of the node ID, if you use the following code.

function event_menu() {
  $items["event/registration/failed/%node/%"] = array(
    // …
    'page callback' => '_event_registration_failed',
    'page arguments' => array(3, 4),

  return $items;

function _event_registration_failed($node, $sid) {
  // …

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