I'm extending a module I've previously written and it needs some schema changes which I implement in hook_update_N
I've updated the module's version from 7.x-1.0
to 7.x-1.1
and implemented the foo_update_7100
and it works fine.
The problem is that I've made a mistake inside foo_update_7100
and now that I've fixed it I cannot rerun the 7100 update. I need to create a 7101 one but that doesn't make sense because all my changes are not committed yet.
I've tried reseting the status of the hook_update_n via:
update system set schema_version=-1 where name='foo';
> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
> Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
Then I do drush cc all
but drush updatedb -y
still gives me "No database updates required".
How can I solve this instead of simply incrementing the hook_update_N
means that the module is not installed. Feel free to post that as an answer so I can accept.