I have a boolean user profile field which is single on/off checkbox, says 'field_user_flag'. Its On value is 1 and Off value is 0. But I could not set #default_value = 1
from hook_form_alter
to save "1" into its table field_data_field_user_flag
and field_revision_field_user_flag
When it is 0 and unchecked in user/*/edit, I would like to set it to 1 and checked. Thus, I did it in my hook_form_alter as below.
$form['field_user_flag']['#default_value'] = 1;
$form['field_user_flag']['#attributes'] = array('checked' => 'checked');
But, it did not work. I created the field in account settings (admin/config/people/accounts/fields/) without using Profile 2 module.