I figured it out using the standard Calendar plugin. You need to create the view as normal, then I created a custom block which embeds the view 6 times, calling it with a different month argument each time. Then I added some javascript magic to hide and show the calendars as required.
Create the block - PHP
* Implements hook_block_info().
function viajes_block_info() {
$blocks['viajes_room_prices'] = array(
'info' => t('Viajes: Room prices and availability calendar'),
return $blocks;
* Implement hook_block_view()
* Display the search form in a block
function viajes_block_view($delta = '') {
$block = array();
switch ($delta) {
case 'viajes_room_prices':
$block['subject'] = t('Disponibilidad de habitaciones');
$block['content'] = viajes_room_prices();
return $block;
function viajes_room_prices() {
$hotel_nid = arg(1);
//js is already added by the reservation form code, no need to add it again
//drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'viajes') . '/js/hotels.js');
drupal_add_js(array('viajes_room_price' => array('max_months' => $MONTHS_TO_SHOW)), 'setting');
//previous/next controls
$ret =
'<div id="viajes-rooms-controls">
<div id="viajes-rooms-previous" class="disabled"><a>' . t('Previous') . '</a></div>
<div id="viajes-rooms-next"><a>' . t('Next') . '</a></div>
for ($i=0; $i<=$MONTHS_TO_SHOW-1; $i++) {
$date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d').' +'.$i.' month');
$ret .=
'<div id="viajes-rooms-month-'.$i.'" ' . ($i!=0 ? ' class="hidden"' : '') . '>
<div class="viajes-rooms-month-title">' .
date('F',$date) . ' ' . date('Y',$date) .
<div class="viajes-rooms-calendar">' .
views_embed_view('room_prices', 'page_1', $hotel_nid, date('Y',$date).'-'.date('m',$date)) .
return $ret;
The Javascript
(function($) {
Drupal.behaviors.viajes = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
* Room price/availability calendar
//next button click
$('#viajes-rooms-next', context).click(function() {
var curr = getCurrent();
//re-enable previous button if we've just left the first month
if (curr == 0) {
$('#viajes-rooms-previous', context).removeClass('disabled');
//disable next button if we've just arrived at the last month
if (curr == (getMaxMonths() - 2) ) {
//roll the calendar if we're not on the last month
if (curr < (getMaxMonths() - 1) ) {
$('#viajes-rooms-month-'+curr, context).addClass('hidden');
$('#viajes-rooms-month-'+(curr+1), context).removeClass('hidden');
//previous button click
$('#viajes-rooms-previous', context).click(function() {
var curr = getCurrent();
//disable previous button if we've just arrived at the first month
if (curr == 1) {
//re-enable next button if we've just left the last month
if (curr == (getMaxMonths() - 1) ) {
$('#viajes-rooms-next', context).removeClass('disabled');
//roll the calendar back if we're not on the first month
if (curr > 0) {
$('#viajes-rooms-month-'+curr, context).addClass('hidden');
$('#viajes-rooms-month-'+(curr-1), context).removeClass('hidden');
//get currently visible month
function getCurrent() {
for (i=0; i<=(getMaxMonths()-1); i++) {
if (! $('#viajes-rooms-month-'+i, context).hasClass('hidden')) {
return i;
//wrapper for the max_months setting
function getMaxMonths() {
return Drupal.settings.viajes_room_price['max_months'];
Just make sure you have the following classes in your CSS:
.disabled a {
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;
color: #979797;
.hidden {
display: none;