A series of problems appeared in my install and I need help to narrow them down to a probable cause.
Most problems come in Views
1) All the dropdown menus that group options are gone. Clearing the cache will then display then again for once. Reloading the page again reproduces the issue.
2) Some block views with ajax/exposed filters are broken: instead of reloading themselves they call the home page with the arguments in the url: http://www.mysite.com/?field_tags_tid_i18n_op=or&field_tags_tid_i18n=All&status=All
Again, clearing the cache may solve the issue, but only once
3) Here and there, some glitches such as an geofield map not showing in a form until clearing the cache. And again, clearing the cache is only a one time fix as the issue reproduces next time the page is loaded.
I have tried the following: - Clear the caches (All cache taken indepently work except CSS and Javascript, Theme and tokn regsitry, and update data) - Clear the content of cache tables directly in mysql - Remove all performance otions (aggregate css and javascript, cache,...)