I'm using D7.15, Views Slideshow 7.x-3.0, jQuery Cycle 2.9999.8.
The problem is that when Slideshow initially starts, even though it is set to show random order of slides (~100 nodes linking via Views), the first slide is always the same and it is shown in a bit glitched way - it does not works as a link, it is shown for shorter amount of seconds and in general does look like it is shown while all the rest of slideshow is loading. Starting from the second slide the order is random and it works perfectly. It can also be recreated in case of page refresh - if you refresh the page in any browser you may get the same result no matter of what browser you use. You can check it here http://www.scanorama.lt (the main slider part).
I have searched for this issue registered at Drupal issue queue, but it looks like that there is none.
Any ideas, what could be the reason for such glitch?