I am having some strange problems with Drupal 4.7.11 on my local machine. Before I get into it I should give you some context. I am running PHP 5.3.4 and MySQL 5.1.54.
If I try to run Drupal 4.7 without any DB info it comes up to a screen that asks me to put in the DB connect info. Once I do that I get a white screen in my browser and in terminal running cron.php I get a DB connect error.
Now as I was writing this I realized that PHP 5.3 is probably a problem here. But I might as well ask anyway.
So thoughts on compatibility?
UPDATE: I realized that my machine is running two different versions of PHP because I am on a Mac and it has 5.3. However, my Apache is running from Zend Desktop which is 5.2. So the site is setup in 5.2 right now.